Native Plant Restorations
Native plants are the foundation of the wildlife food web and ecosystem services that support all life. Based on your unique goals, eco-region, land use, and site characteristics such as hydrology, soil, topography, and solar exposure, Oiko can assess existing native plant communities and develop a plan for their preservation or restoration in a variety of habitats.
Invasive Plant Management
It’s the long game with invasive plants. Their human caused introductions, changing land use, and environmental conditions have given these plant species hundreds of years to spread far and wide with no biological controls outside of their original, native range. With a holistic approach, Oiko offers integrated, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly restoration services to preserve the native plant communities, wildlife, aesthetic, and function of your land.
Green Infrastructure
Urban sprawl, impervious surface coverage, and changing land use has altered natural hydrology and the soil’s ability to effectively absorb stormwater. This increased runoff contributes to flooding and erosion that can cause economic impacts and excessive nutrient loading in waterways by pollutants and sedimentation. Enhancing greenspace on your property to slow down, divert, capture, and filter stormwater can not only limit these issues but recharge underground aquifers, store carbon, reduce urban heat island effect, and provide unique wildlife habitat. Whether it's a rain garden, vegetative swale, streambank stabilization, or full scale floodplain restoration project, contact Oiko to see how we can help you protect clean water.
Prescribed Fire
Coming soon! Contact Oiko for more info on the benefits of prescribed fire.
Photo Credit: Stuart Orr / The Nature Conservancy Indiana